(02Sept2024) Camtasia -> Animations -> Full Opacity
You’d think if the out-of-box animation “No Opacity” fades a [thing] out, that “Full Opacity” would fade a [thing] in. In fact, if you mouseover the lil pic just above Full Opacity’s label, the lil pic fades in. So that’s that. Right?
BUT! If you press-drag it onto the track/timeline of the [thing] that you want to animate, and then scrub the timeline, nothing happens. In fact, you have to go to the [things] anim starting spot, go over to Properties, and set the opacity to 0 yourself. If you animate the [thing] with say, “No Opacity” before the “Full Opacity” animation, Full Opacity works like it’s supposed to.
Now I totally get that if a [thing] is already at full opacity, on the timeline, and then “Full Opacity” is invoked, [thing] its going to have a hard time going from 100% to 100%, which isn’t going to look like much. On the other hand, if you are going to have it, then it should work as advertised?